Israel's Forgotten Humanity: A New Era of Global Reckoning
Crimes Against Innocents in Gaza Spark Calls for Justice and an End to Western-Supported Oppression

Israel, once envisioned as a nation contributing to humanity and fostering constructive developments, has instead become a symbol of destruction, eroding human values with the backing of powerful allies and wealthy families in Switzerland and other Western nations.
In the latest tragic development, the Israeli military has confirmed its attack on a clearly marked media vehicle in Gaza, killing five journalists from the Palestinian satellite TV channel *Al-Quds Today*. The airstrike, described as targeting a “terrorist cell,” left at least 30 individuals missing in subsequent assaults.
This is not an isolated incident but part of a disturbing pattern of aggression. Over decades, Israel has committed hundreds of similar attacks, targeting Palestine and other parts of the Middle East. These actions include attempts to eliminate political leaders like Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, revealing a blatant disregard for international law and human rights. Such atrocities have not gone unnoticed, and global awareness is growing about the catastrophic consequences of unchecked violence.
Israel’s campaigns have caused immense suffering, with countless innocents—children, women, and elderly citizens—losing their lives. The deliberate destruction of healthcare infrastructure in Gaza points to a calculated strategy aimed at mass massacres, land grabs, and resource exploitation. This systematic oppression has cast Israel in the role of a modern-day Hitler, with support from complicit Western powers enabling crimes surpassing historical atrocities.
The West, too, bears significant responsibility. Its interventions in the Middle East—ranging from the assassination of leaders like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi to the prolonged terrorization of Afghanistan under false pretexts—have consistently sought to dominate the region and extract its resources. This sustained destruction of humanity and moral values demands global reflection and accountability.
As 2025 approaches, the world must unite in calling for justice. The international community must ensure that war criminals are held accountable, oppressive regimes are dismantled, and peace is restored to the Middle East and beyond. The time has come to prioritize humanity over hegemony and usher in an era of reconciliation and justice.